A good friend of ours, Casey DePasquale, created "Join the Cycle" - a mission to inspire others to ride bicycles as a primary form of transportation by biking from California to Boston. But a t-shirt or donate some money to support the cause HERE
eula: Photos from Show @ Crash Mansion, NYC 4-29-09 DOWNLOAD: eula - "Housewolf" (MP3)DOWNLOAD: eula - "Fight Riff" (MP3)The more that I work in and around the music industry, the less I understand the logic behind what draws a crowd. Last week, eula played a great set of original music to a decent-sized crowd at Crash Mansion. Also last week, Foreigner (featuring one original member) played to a sold out crowd of 1,300 in Philadelphia. Somewhere there must be some logic here...Getting serious for a moment, eula plays art-punk in the style of Pylon and Gang of 4. Lead singer Alyse Lamb has a distinctively raw and quavery voice that sits well on top of the band's angular guitar riffs and loping bass lines.eula released a new EP, Language of Threat, back in March that is available through IndepenDisc, Amazon and iTunes.